
by - Thursday, September 04, 2008

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

Starting time: 8.54 pm
Name: Syiqa
Sisters: 1
Brothers: Pernah ada.. tapi, meninggal sebaik aje dilahirkan..so, ni consider ade ke x??
Shoe size:9@10
Height: plus minus 170
Where do you live: Kota Syok Sendiri
Favourite drink: Nescafe tarik
Favourite breakfast: Potato bread yang harga Rm1.50 kat 7 Eleven (depan skola)

Have you ever

Been on a plane: Pernah
Swam in the ocean: Pernah! (paling best kat Kg. Salang, Tioman Island!)
Fallen asleep at school: Pernah! paling best tido time BM! :D
Broken someone's heart: rsenye macam pernah! :D
Fell off your chair: Pernah! masa form 3, kat Tititan Cahaya Tuition Centre! (malu giler!)
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: x ingat lak.. maybe pernah..maybe x..
Saved e-mails: ade!
What is your room like: Macam bilik kucing yang resah nak BERANAK!
What's right beside you: Kerusi makan
What is the last thing you ate: Bubur Lambuk

Ever had

Chicken pox: Once!
Sore throat: Nope!
Stitches: errrr...pernah! :D
Broken nose: blom lagi!

Do you

Believe in love at first sight: Yes! I do!
Like picnics: x sangat!

Who was were the last person

You danced with: Myself!
Last made you smile: Al-J! (even dia xde dgn I, tp, dia still buatkan I tersenyum :D )
You last yelled at: Tan kowt :P ( sbb I tngk buku Geografi dia sgt 'suci', sedangkan dia nk trial esok.. tu yg I jerit kat dia..)

Today did you

Talk to someone you like: Nope!
Kissed anyone: adik I, Eena.. sbb, dia x sihat.. so, I kiss la pipi dia!
Get sick: Yes! Selsema
Talk to an ex: Mr. Al-Junid, please take note,ok! I dun have ex! ( ade ke patot dia ckp I slalu berangan dlm kelas sbb ingtkan my ex!)
Miss someone: Yes! I do! :) Miss him SO MUCH!!!!
Eat: Dah!time berbuka tadi..;)

Best feeling in the world

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: errr... NEVER!
What's under your bed: bola SABUN BREEZE kaler biru... plus habuk!
Who do you really hate: Back stabbers, org yg Hipokrit, org yg ske menjerit, penipu,org yg ckp besar
What time is it now: 9.17 pm


Is there a person who is on your mind now: Yes! Of course!!!!
Do you have any siblings: Yes!
Do you want children: Of course! teringin giler..and, tambah2 lagi bila nmpk pregnant woman! :D
Do you smile often: ermm.. kadang2.. bila perlu.. bila happy... klau senyum lebih2 nnt org kate I giler
Do you like your hand-writing: so far so good!
Are your toe nails painted: :-/
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Parents', and.. maybe him kowt! :P
What color shirt are you wearing now: putih itu suci!
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: hidang makanan untuk berbuka
When did you cry last:last tuesday! (kelmarin, 2.9.08)
Are you a friendly person: don't know... ask my friends! hahahaha
Do you have any pets: Tak ade. Tapi, pernah ade :D
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: tak tahu la.. maybe dia ade kelas kowt...klau xde kelas, maybe dia tengah layan anak buah dia yang cute tu kat umah!
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: hold tu x pernah la..tapi...
Do you sleep with the TV on: Pernah,dulu.. sekarang dah tak buat perangai tu sbb jarang tengok tv!
What are you doing right now: Jawab soalan tagged yg Ainaa bg...
Have you ever crawled through a window: ermm.. NEVER!
Can you handle the truth: Sometime yes... but, always not! (depends la.. klau truth tu sesuatu yg I dah agak, I bleh terima la.. tp, klau sesuatu yg I tak pernah jangka, maybe susah sikit kowt!)
Are you too forgiving: depends! Kadang2 tu NOPE! take time..
Are you closer to your mother or father: Both!
Who was the last person you cried in front of: for girl, Nisa...for guy, Al-J!
How many people can you say you've really loved: Ramai... I love them so ketat2!!!
Do you eat healthy: sometimes yes.. slalunye I belasah jer!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Once again.. I DON'T HAVE EX!
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Of Course I do!
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: My bestfriends@My Hand Phone (bcoz.....)
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Loud bile sakit hati or excited or happy... Quiet kalau xde mood...
Are you confident: Almost all the time :D

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. In love
2. Tido!
3. Bathing
4. Chit-chatting
5. Study

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Start buat latihan utk SPM!
2. kurangkan makan
3. tengok tv
4. baca sejarah
5. chat ngn Faez! (tapi, dia on9 lmbt sgt!)

5 snacks I enjoy
1. Ice-cream
2. sume cokelat Cadbury
3. bubur@kuih muih yg nenek I masak
4. Jeli yg mama buat
5. caramel yang mak ngah buat

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Pergi haji and umrah ( tiru Ainaa)
2. Keluarkan zakat harta siap-siap@ bayar hutang (Tiru Ainaa)
3. ajak@ belanja Al-Junid pegi holiday! Yihaaaaa... bestnyerrrr!
4. Nak belikan rumah idaman ngn kereta idaman mama ngn ayah..
5. Beli benda yg I nak beli sesgt! I nk beli novel2 yang best! yes! syoknye.. pastu, nk g tengok wayang.. nak belanje Zul ngn Faez...

5 of my bad habits
1. Tidur yg melampau (tiru Ainaa)
2. Malas baca buku (tiru Ainaa lagi!)
3. Makan byk sgt ( ni hakikat!)
4. Malas kemas bilik!
5. laser org! :P

5 places I have lived in
1. Taman Permata (sejak lahir,ok!)
2. tak tahu lagi.. tnye laki I!
4. -none-
5. -none-

5 jobs I've had
1. tukang lipat baju
2. tukang jemur baju
3.tukang ronda sekolah
4. Ketua Editor Majalah Sekolah ( Edisi 2007 )
5. Bendahari Kelas ( since 2004-2008)

5 people I tag
3.Kartika Sri Dewi
5.Zafirah Majdiah!

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